Sunday, October 28, 2007

November Challenge

Several years ago, I was coming to a very busy holiday season, and I was a little sad that things seem to be so commercialized these days. I was wondering what I could do to make this holiday season special for me – something beyond the shopping and hype. As I thought about it, an idea formed, and I decided that I would start in November listing the things I was thankful for in my life. That way, I would appropriately recognize my blessings, and I would be in the right frame of mind to naturally move into Christmas. I started on November 1st and wrote one thing I was thankful for, the 2nd, I wrote two, the 3rd, I wrote three, and followed that through the whole month. Let me tell you, it’s easy for about the first 15 days…then it gets more difficult, as I couldn’t repeat things. I had to get creative! But what a great experience as I spent the month of November recognizing and thanking the Lord for my blessings daily. Since then, I have moved to a slightly modified version, and I only list one thing per day for the month of November. It’s been a blessing to me, and I even have a special book for it that I get out every November to use. I would challenge each of you to join me this year and keep a list, whether you take the BIG challenge and list as many as the date, or just one per day, I feel confident in saying it will be a blessing in your life.

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